Daddy What's a Gussett!?!?!

Saturday, November 11, 2006


Yippee I'm famous, Just got back from hols and was watching Soccer am and does this look familiar??????



asdf said...

I always knew you'd be famous. But I assumed it would be for violent crime, or something.

Chris Is Yipee said...

and shredded ham????

mat you cretin!!!!

hope you had a good night dude....check out just jack and writers block you jarlack!!!!

Chris Is Yipee said...

and shredded ham????

mat you cretin!!!!

hope you had a good night dude....check out just jack and writers block you jarlack!!!!

Chris Is Yipee said...


Anonymous said...

Does this mean that i am famous by association as i was there when you took the pic ??? (Jim)

Chris Is Yipee said...

yeah deffo as you spotted it I think?!

Laurelin said...

Ta for the comment on my blog, Trev and Simon are the best :-) Never thought google would bring new readers to my blog! L

Laurelin said...

Feel free to start reading, my latest entries arent half as good as they used to be, seem to have lost my knack for writing amusing stuff.

And yup, last time i checked i was a girl!

Laurelin said...

woo im getting loads of comments on my blog thanks to you! hehe.

I'm bored but busy at work, no rest for the wicked eh.


Laurelin said...

Cant use msn at work, but ive sent u an email. Prob gone into your spam tho.

Anonymous said...

Hey it's the M to the B here.

Has Chris ever told anybody about the time Matthew Kelly caressed backstage at the Palace Theatre in Manchester.

In more backstage news ask him about the Great Stupendo aka Mr Victoria Wood.

Piff Paff Poof
Mini Bear

Chris Is Yipee said...

I think you meant to say carressed 'him' but it is true and he was offered a toffee by my Nan!!!!!

asdf said...

"Caressed backstage"? What, like on the bum?