Daddy What's a Gussett!?!?!

Monday, November 27, 2006

Any old Lion!!!!!

Well hello all!! Lets start by saying that the Matthew Kelly story my bro has put on the comments on my last blog are a little incorrect. Instead of it being a caress it was more of a grope!!!!!! Matt (my bro) whenever I think of Piff Paff Puff the Great Suprendo himself. I can't help picturing you in that crazy Puma tracksuit. Oooooh fond memories indeed. Roll on Gary Wilmots Christmas extravganza featuring such stars as Bella Emberge as the Witch from Simon and the Witch and Trevor and Simon as Cuthbert the snooty but amazingly well accepted boy who hearts Simon and said Witch!!
Who will old Gazza Wilmot be playing I here you cry..... yes thats right........ That stupid posh little brat of a girl that the Witch wanted to eat on several occasions!! Roll on December the 16th!!!

Right I went to a 50th party last week and for some reason it turned into a bit of a gay themed night as Me, Andi and Rob (now known as Blakey-as every impression came back to that one uuuurrrrmmm plus grimis) decided on a new footy ball move and as you can see in the picture Andy was representing Right Said Fred for the evening!!! Please see photo's of said party below. Mhhhhhhhh I heart Chairs. Ohh and Matt (my bro) If your reading this, yes that right.... thats Leaden on the decks behind Rob/Blakey!!

Not really been upto much over the last week, scored a nice 20yarder at footy on Monday (here's hoping for the same again tonight) and saw Bond lastnight.... I was pleasently surprised by this film and give it 4 and a half G's out of 5!!!

ps Matthew Kelly if you are reading this, I hope that moment was as special for you as it was me!!

pps Mat (bro) let us know if you get that vid of you on You Tube and I will set up a link on here!!!

ppps - Froggy wenta courtin, he did ride uhhuuum uuuhuuumm!!!

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