Daddy What's a Gussett!?!?!

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Stag ahoy!!!

Our best rank faces!!!

Well hello pep's since I last posted I have been to Slovenia on a mates Stag do. For all of you that know me it was John Greens Stag do.

We had a proper wicked time and in total there were 18 of us and I think on the whole everyone enjoyed it.

On the Saturday we went Cannoning, which apparently was a 15 minute walk away..... 1 hour later and basically up a mountain the fun began. We came down the Hill/Mountain through the river and water falls (basically the water had made loads of water slides)!!!!!! This was until the end when we had to go down a 20 metre shear drop!!! (see picture)actually don't cos no one could get their arse in gear and send it. instead see

Then straight after we went white water rafting in the most beatiful clear water I have ever seen. The trip was made all the more fun by seeing Figgsy and Siffy trying to paddle.... it wern't gonna happen!!!

Basically you know the law of the stag etc etc. All I can say is I have funny thoughts when I fill my car up with diesel and get a whiff of it. Tony I will never look at you the same again!!!!

And I will leave you with what I think you will agree is 1 hideous pic and too other funny ones of Jim the monkey and John the pimp!!


Anonymous said...

Hi boys, i see your back in Eastern europe for some Stag weekend fun!! shame you didnt visit me at my new club "mud flaps" we could of had some fun!!

Anonymous said...

Ha ha, you look like you have a super imposed George micheal head on that photo. Did X mark the spot where a dwarf, cross dressing stripper suckled your teet, while tony poured diesel over your head (????)

Chris Is Yipee said...

please don't mention dwarfs and diesel, the visions are horrific!!
just like my teet!!