Daddy What's a Gussett!?!?!

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Yes ok... alright I will do another one!!

Hello people new year and new colour! I have just noticed it's been over a month since I last updated this pile of stuff. Obviously a lot has happened since then, what with Chris-tmas and all. So I will just post some random pics and explain why next to them. Matt and Carla I have included some pics of Christmas Lunch so you can remember what it was like in the parry house hold. I did something different with the turkey this year... thats right I put it in a bucket
As you can probably guess these are some pics of New Years Eve. We all went to Louis Sarah's and put up a markee in the afternoon, unfortunatley by the evening this had decided to collapse cos of the wind, but I think these pics show a mega time was had by all!

So pep's I hope you are all ok and trust you had a great Christmas and New Year? There isn't much to write about at the moment, I am starting badminton with Andy P and may be that it will become a full time Badders club, with rules and uniforms. I'm hoping to go see Artic Monkeys in July, thats if Pat gets his finger out!!


asdf said...

"If Patt pulls his finger out"?

Be careful what you write - I nearly lost my lunch when I read that and saw the picture of him above it.

Chris Is Yipee said...

ha ha he left it in there for a while!!